Nutrition as well as exercise after birth can also affect height. Nutrition and health of the mother during pregnancy can affect the height of their unborn child.
Some of these may be within the control of the child, while many may not. That being said, there are environmental factors that can affect the height of a child. After the growth spurt during puberty, which differs slightly for girls and boys, neither will typically grow much more, and girls typically stop growing by 15, while boys stop at around 18 years of age. As mentioned above, very tall parents are more likely to have a taller child, while very short parents are more likely to have a shorter child, with the child being more likely than their parents to be closer to average height. Height, for better or for worse, is largely (60-80%) determined by genetics. The second calculator above is based on this method.Īnother simple method is to double the height achieved by the child by age 2 for a boy, or age 18 months for a girl. One of them is adding 2.5 inches (7.6 cm) to the average of the parent's height for a boy and subtracting 2.5 inches (7.6 cm) for a girl. There are also some very simple, but less accurate, methods available. In general, children maintain a fairly constant growth curve, which is why these charts can be used to predict the adult height of a child to a certain extent. Measurements such as height, weight, and head circumference of a child can be compared to the expected values based on data from these growth charts of children of the same age and sex. In total, there are 16 charts that contain data that can be used to compare the growth of a child over time. These growth charts consist of percentile curves illustrating the distribution of specific body measurements of children in the United States.
Accurate 4 x 3 inches free#
Note that it is most applicable to Caucasian children between the ages of 4 and 9 who are free from any growth-related condition or disease.ĬDC Growth Charts of the United States are good sources of information to evaluate the growth situation of a child. The first calculator above is mainly based on this method. It is based on the child's stature, weight, and the average stature of the two parents. The Khamis-Roche method is considered to be one of the more accurate height prediction methods that do not require the measurement of bone age. Note that the data in the atlas were obtained between 19 from Caucasian children, which may limit how accurately the Greulich-Pyle method can be used for current children. Based on bone age, the height of the child, and the data compiled in the atlas, it is possible to predict height based on the percentage of height growth remaining at a given bone age. This method compares the radiograph of the patient to that of the nearest standard radiograph in the Greulich-Pyle atlas, a compilation of bone age data. One such method is the Greulich-Pyle method that involves left hand and wrist radiographs to measure bone age. Regardless of how accurate the method, height prediction is not an exact science, and it is possible that a child's height can deviate significantly from what is predicted.īone age can be used to predict height and is considered more accurate than the other methods listed below. Many different methods have been developed to predict a child's adult height, some more accurate than others. This is due to factors such as the decreased height of intervertebral discs as well as changes due to degenerative diseases. In some cases, a person's height begins to shrink in middle age, though shrinkage of stature is largely universal in the very elderly. On average, female and male growth trails off to zero at about 15 and 18 years old, respectively. This is typically referred to as the pubertal growth spurt.
During puberty, the growth rate increases again to a second maximum, after which it slowly declines to zero. The growth rate declines rapidly from birth to roughly age 2 and declines more slowly thereafter. Other important factors that contribute to a child's adult height include nutrition, health, sports activities, health and age of the mother during pregnancy, etc. This means that very tall or short parents are likely to have a taller or shorter child than average, but the child is likely to be closer to the average height than their parents. Normally, a child's height is based on parental heights subject to regression toward the mean. Some studies suggest that genetics contributes 60%-80%. The precise contribution from these two factors is complex. The height of a person is determined by a combination of genetics and environmental factors. "How tall will I be?" or "how tall will my child be?" are questions that are often asked.